Robin Babitt

About the Artist

Robin Babitt

About the Artist

Robin Babitt


Renowned visual artist and author, Robin Babitt, enchants us with her whimsical take on life. Celebrated for her distinctive imagery and playful use of color, Robin brings a profound understanding of how colors shape our emotions and thoughts to her creations. Whether she’s painting on canvas or crafting stories, her fervent passion shines through. Robin’s work beckons viewers to experience the world through a kaleidoscope lens, inviting them to participate in her vibrant narrative.

Born with Synesthesia, Robin perceives letters and numbers in vivid hues. Her school days were punctuated by a rainbow of letters above the chalkboard, each one a unique shade. Art became her sanctuary, a realm where colors spoke louder than numbers. Synesthesia, a phenomenon where one sense triggers multiple sensations, allows Robin to immerse herself in a colorful existence. Leveraging her unique perspective, she engages children through her art, using colors as a tool to address important topics.

Inspired by her own relationship with color and its impact on her well-being, Robin created BACHUKI. As a mother of two daughters and grandmother of two boys, she channels her creativity with them in mind. Through her work, Robin aspires to empower children to believe in themselves, encouraging them to reach for the stars. Her art, exhibited in international publications, galleries, and esteemed events like Art Basel, continues to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide.